Nature Systems Kenya Ltd, offers steel containerised solutions in a range of sizes, to a wide and varied scope of commercial and domestic applications.

Main Configurations
- Azenit™: for nitrogen removal.
- Azenit™ P: for simultaneous nitrogen and phosphorus removal.
- Azenit™ C+: with methanol added for an efficient output for low global residual nitrogen requirements or for low COD/N ratios of the influent.
- Azenit™ BIO+: for nitrogen load fluctuations (stormwater, seasonal variations e.g. tourism), the running of the reactor switches automatically between two configurations: one for low load conditions, the other for high load ones.
- Azenit™ C-S: for seasonal industrial influents, highly loaded in carbon, with high bulking risk.
Some References
- Mantes, France, 2012, Azenit™ for a daily average flow of 1,800 m³/d
- Lillebonne, France, 2011, Azenit™ for a daily average flow of 300 m³/d
- Brussels North, Belgium, 2007, Azenit™ P for a daily average flow of 558,000 m3/d
- Rouen / Emeraude, France, 1997, Azenit™ P for a daily average flow of 85,000 m3/d
- Lourdes, France, 2004, Azenit™ for a daily average flow of 25,000 m3/d
Scope of Application
Azenit™ removes simultaneous nitrogen, phosphorus, COD, BOD and suspended solids, including a bacterial tank and oxygen consumption control.
Azenit™ can be included in the effluent treatment chain, directly on pretreatment downstream or after a primary treatment.